Het Franse powertrio Lysistrata steunt met epische composities op een opwindende mengvorm van postrock, mathrock en metal waar finesse en zwaartekracht hand in hand gaan. De jonge twintigers koppelen de duisternis van Joy Division aan de trefzekerheid van Battles. Wees welkom en maak een plons in de vijver van dit powertrio. Een revelatie!
Créé à Saintes en 2013, le trio français développe un rock brutal, partiellement instrumental où finesse et gravité sont de mise. Ils naviguent entre post-rock, noise et math-rock, leur univers favorise la liberté sonore et le lâcher-prise, le tout entouré de cris. Sur scène, les membres de Lysistrata se produisent comme s’il s’agissait de leur dernier concert! Un must-see absolu.
Nothing can stand in the way of such an outpouring of energy, enthusiasm and creativity. Coming from radical musical backgrounds, Lysistrata manage to transcend the usual posthardcore, noise-rock labels with as much spontaneity as skill. The trio’s electric assaults are irresistible to anyone and their nerve-wracking music appears as a sonic blessing, especially live where it reaches an almost miraculous intensity.
With a brave paradigm shift, Lysistrata revisit genres from before their time: Asymmetry, dissonance, and the loud/quiet writing codified by Sonic Youth and co. are combined by Ben Amos Cooper (drums, vocals), Theo Guéneau (guitar), and Max Roy (bass) with a sensitivity that is characteristic of their youth. This is expressed right down to the band’s name, which was taken from an Aristophanes comedy rather than a DIY & home improvements catalogue.